Sustainability 360
Sustainability 360
Exclusive tools for engaging stakeholders in sustainability policy.
The way stakeholders perceive the sustainable performance of a company directly impacts in the consolidation of its commitment to sustainability. Therefore, the alignment between the demands and expectations of stakeholders and the organizational values, goals and principles is fundamental to building an effective sustainability policy.
The Market Analysis’ Sustainability 360 has an exclusive methodology that complements quantitative results with a qualitative view of the company’s current and future agenda in the eyes of the stakeholders. This approach ensures results that comprise both the depth and attention to detail of expectations and evaluations, as well as the generalization of the opinion trends of audiences consulted.
The study’s methodology combined with the expertise of professionals who research the topic of sustainability in Brazil for over a decade allows a wide scope for customization to meet specific demands of each company.
After all, there is no business case in sustainability that is valid for all business segments.
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