How are socio-economic classes determined in Brazil?
The Criteria of Economic Classification Brazil (CCEB) was developed by ABEP, the Brazilian Association of Research Companies. It is an index consisting of a series of questions about the possession of durable goods and the educational level of the head of the household. Know more about the criteria
It is important to know, however, that the CCEB provides researchers with consistent evidences about the purchasing power and general situation of the households, but that no classification criteria designed based on statistical tests can be used as sole basis for individual analysis.
The CCEB is very effective to help the understating of differences between purchase power of consumers in the different regions of the country, but it should not be used as sole criterion to determine, for example, profiles of residential neighborhoods or recruitment for qualitative research. In these cases, the CCEB is an excellent support tool, but there are more suitable indicators depending on the objectives of each research.